Creating & Sustaining New Habits- Kellee Marlow and Elliot Berkman
Do you have new goals or resolutions that you like to accomplish this year? Statistics show that most people give up by the third week. Kellee discusses with Elliot Berkman, a cognitive expert on the motivated brain, in how you can overcome common psychological barriers and achieve success in your goals and habits.
Elliot Berkman, a contributing writer to Psychology Today, Director of the Center for Translational Neuroscience and Director of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Lab, at University of Oregon, talks about the motivational and cognitive factors that contribute to your success and failure in developing new habits and achieving goals. He also discusses how to attain the top 4 goals that most people have: 1) Lose weight, 2) Exercise more, 3) Save more money, and 4) Learn a new skill.
Spark, hosted by Kellee Marlow, on KXSF.FM in San Francisco, focuses on curated conversations with change-leaders and influencers- to inform minds, inspire ideas and ignite innovation. Basically, conversations that enable us to transcend beyond what we believe we are capable of.