Catalyzing Through Cross-Sector Collaboration- Kellee Marlow & Matthew Swift
How do you catalyze social impact? Kellee talks with Matthew Swift about Concordia’s convening model of cross-sector collaboration, bringing together leaders from both private and public sectors to discuss the most pressing global issues, raise cross-sector awareness and explore cross-partnership solutions. He also shares his day-to-day mantra of running into problems and staying motivated as a social impact entrepreneur.
Matthew Swift is the co-founder and CEO of Concordia, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to actively fostering, elevating, and sustaining cross-sector partnerships for social impact. It focuses on global issues including sustainability, economic development and educational outreach.
Spark, hosted by Kellee Marlow, on KXSF.FM in San Francisco, focuses on curated conversations with change-leaders and influencers- to inform minds, inspire ideas and ignite innovation. Basically, conversations that enable us to transcend beyond what we believe we are capable of.